Heart Failure Medications


Heart Failure Medications

1.     Digoxin:

·     MOA: increase the force of myocardial contractions. Lower the heart rate.

·    Assess the apical pulse for 1min and hold medication if pulse <60 bpm.

·    Digoxin therapeutic level: 0.5-2 ng/dl

·    Antidote: Digibind

·    Toxicity: nausea, vomiting and vision changes.

·    Decrease potassium = causes increase risk for digoxin toxicity.

2.       ACE Inhibitors:

·     MOA: Decrease afterload and the workload of the heart by inhibiting vasoconstriction.

·    Suffix: Pril

·    Side effect: angioedema, increase potassium and cough.

·    Moltor K and BP.


3.       Beta Blocker:

·    MOA: decrease BP and decrease HR.

·    Suffix: -olol / -lol

·    Monitor P and BP

·    Mask the effect of hypoglycaemia among diabetic patients.

4.       Diuretics:

·    MOA: Promote diuresis. Increase Na and fluid loss.

·    Type: 1. Loop diuretics

           2. thiazide diuretics

           3. K-sparing diuretics.

·    Side effects: orthostatic hypertension, electrolyte imbalance.

·      Monitor potassium levels and BP.

5.       Vasodilators:

·    Example: nitroglycerin.

·    Decrease preload and afterload.

·    Results in vasodilation, and BP.

·    Monitor: BP monitor for orthostatic hypotension.

6.       Angiotensin II Receptor Blocker :

·  MOA: prevent peripheral vasoconstriction by selectively blocking angiotensin II receptor

·  Monitor K levels. Cause potassium retention.

·  Monitor blood pressure before medication administration.


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